
Rhodes Scholarships : Everything you need to know about

  What is the “Rhodes Scholarships”? 

The greatest feeling in the world is when you dream about something and strive to achieve it. But many times our dreams fall short behind reality.  Walking with our heads high to achieve the dream, we are often made to accept the harsh reality due to finances.

Well, this is the place where The Rhodes Trust showers their help. An amazing initiative taken by the Rhodes Trust, The Rhodes scholarships is one of the oldest and most prestigious scholarship programs.

It manages to provide students with admission to the most renowned university, the University of Oxford, where scholarships are provided in partnership with some of the most generous benefactors.

They include Second Century Founders, John McCall Macbain O.C, and many more. 


The Scholarship program was established by Cecil John Rhodes in 1902, which makes it the oldest in the world. The vision with which Cecil John Rhodes led its foundation was way ahead of its time.

Even after 100 years, the Rhodes Scholarships are successfully helping thousands of ignited minds across the world to undertake full-time post-graduation at the University of Oxford.

 The scholarship was founded mainly for two reasons- 

  • To promote unity and maintain peace between the British empire and 
  • to strengthen the ties between Britain and the United States of America.

Young and brilliant minds from around the world in search of education and knowledge would come together at the university and would get to know each other. This, as a result, maintains harmony between English speaking nations and makes the generation go hand in hand irrespective of their career choices.

 Although initially, the program offered scholarships only to male applicants within Britain and from countries such as Germany and the United States.

But this exclusion of females from the privilege led to several controversies which resulted in the scholarships being offered to all the students irrespective of their backgrounds across the globe. 

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What makes the Rhodes Scholarships stand out?

 There are a lot of Scholarships offered around the world. But, what is so striking about The Rhodes Scholarship Programme?

  It is not just financial aid to the students, it is a life-changing opportunity to all those young people who want to make use of their potential. An amazing opportunity for all those ignited minds who have the potential to make a difference in the world and achieve something in their life.

And this initiative taken by The Rhodes Trust encourages youth to dream of it. It also stands out because the scholarships are not offered based on intellect. The qualities which are examined :

  • character
  • leadership skills
  • commitment
  • devotion to the service

In addition to this, various fellowships are active and conferences and meetings are hosted to provide the students with the environment developing strong friendships among them.

image by – Scholarship fellow

Perks of being a Rhodes Scholar?

Various scholarships are being offered today. And all of them claim to be life-changing. Therefore, why is the Rhodes scholarship worth applying for?

Four reasons why to apply for this scholarship

Reason one: It is the Rhodes

To be able to study in the most prestigious institution and getting recognized sounds fascinating right? All these dreams come true when you apply for Rhodes.

Reason two: Even the application procedure is worth learning!

Now during the application and selection procedure students undergo various challenges. This not only helps students overcome their failure of fear but also makes them more confident in the long run.

Overall, it’s a win-win situation.

Third reason: the Scholarship 

Let’s be honest, nobody applies for it just for the sake of knowledge. To get into Oxford University and be among some of the brilliant minds is worth aspiring. And if you get exempted from your expenses, then who will not apply for it.

Reason four: Avoid tasting “What if”

To be successful, people should learn to live in the present. And to live with the baggage of the past can be tormenting. Instead, why don’t just give it a try? There’s a saying Better oops than What if!

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Can you be a Rhodes Scholar?

 Now one question -“How can I qualify?”

 The scholarships are not awarded to students who are mere “bookworms”.To be selected, the students are required to excel in different scholastic areas. 

The four criteria which formed the basis of selection in 1902 are still active: 

  •  Literary and academic excellence.
  •  Make use of complete talents of the students by mastering in arts, music, debate, and all the areas where teamwork is significant. 
  •  Truth, courage, and one should be surrendered towards his duties and should have sympathy for the weak and should be ready to help the others. 
  •  There should be a shadow of moral values and one should be interested in helping one’s fellow beings. 

The above criteria judge a student in all the possible departments and make one ready to survive in every environment possible. 

What does the scholarship cover?

Initially, the Rhodes scholarship is offered for two years. It covers the fees of the oxford University in addition to the annual stipend.

For the year 2019/20, the stipend is 15,900 pounds from which all the possible expenses can be paid. But it is surely not enough to cover everything. Scholarships can vary based on the course taken by the students and the duration required to graduate. 

For example, up to three years fees and stipend is provided to students undertaking a Ph.D. at Oxford University.

   The Rhode scholarship provides:

  •  aid for all the possible expenses. 
  •  the fee for the 4-year study visa and associated International Health Surcharge(IHS), which helps the students to access the UK’s National Health Service.
  • the flight to and from the University and the accommodation everything is taken care of by The Rhodes Trust. 
  • the scholars also receive a settling allowance and then they are provided with the assistance to extend their Visa and application at IHS.

How to apply for Rhodes Scholarship?

You need to find out if you meet the criteria to become a Rhodes scholar and start the application. There are multiple stages in the process. 

These seven steps will guide you through the process:

  1. Eligibility
  2. Choice of Oxford course
  3. Personal statement
  4. Reference letters
  5. Checking and gathering documents
  6. Social engagement
  7. Final interview
image credit – study abroad

Firstly, have a look at the detailed Information for Candidates specific to the country to which you are applying. This helps you in getting all the relevant information.

For that, you need to select the country and you can find the document and links to all the information you are looking for. You can also contact them via email.

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 For example, for a resident of India, the no. of scholarships available are 5. The trust offers a guide to writing the personal statement/essay to all the students applying. There is also a student secretary appointed to provide assistance and help them now and then.

 All of the above information is provided on the official site of The Rhodes Scholarship and anyone who is seeking some opportunity can take benefit from it. So why waste time waiting? Apply now 

by NYUshanghai
