
How to start a TEDx Chapter at your campus?

TEDx is an interdependent event TED. TEDx events are non-profit events but the organizers committee charge some sort of amount for the entry tickets or any sponsorship costs. TEDx is a way to run a mini TED style event. They are free form corporate issues, political agenda and all the religious matters. 

TEDx events are the gatherings of local people where ted talks speakers share their performances with the community. TEDx events are the most unique and effective manner of events where speakers share their thoughts. These events are organized for wise and penetrating conversations. TEDx events are very much motivational and a set of unique events because the speakers are having so much knowledge and past experience which helps you a lot. The basic criteria of Ted talks are that the presenter or speakers are given 18 minutes to showcase their ideas and thoughts in an efficient manner. The previous speakers on TED were like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Stephen Hawking, Bill Clinton, Shah Rukh Khan, Shashi Tharoor, Larry Page and many more.

TEDx conducts a massive event here are some events which may surely enlighten this topic: Standard event, University event, Youth event, ED event, Salon event, TEDx live event, TEDx women event, Business event, Internal event, Library event, Level 2 event, Countdown event, Legacy event

Difference between TED and TEDx

Ted is committed to ideas worth spreading started as a 4-day conference that has grown with support ideas of changing without any regional, corporate, political agendas. When a speaker allowed for up to 18 minutes of the time to deliver their talks, they made it wisely accessible free online at Whereas TEDx is a way for you to run a mini-style event which you may conduct in your own town and take around issues matter to your community, anyone can apply for it. TEDx program is designed to the communities, organization individuals to spark conversation and connection through local TED, like experiences and for TEDx, TED issues license for free which is applicable for up to 12 months.  

How you can start it on your campus?

For conducting TEDx events in your campus you have to select university events in the event type. Ted has a clause that you can only fill the application for your current university if you passed from the university then you can not apply for the same. You also have to submit the authorized permission letter from the university to TED. 

Basically, when you are applying for the events it asks you what kind of event you want to conduct so you have to mention their “university event”. The whole concept of licensing is the same as the standard event but this event is co-branded with the university name so you have to put it in like an example: (TEDx IMSUC). This indicates that the event is hosted by some university or college. 

As you are co-branding with TEDx so it should be projected in such a way that everyone can see it. You may take a hoarding and put it on the stage or you may project it on the LED screens. 

As per the guidelines, TED can only issue one license per university but if your university is having multiple branches and each branch wants to conduct the same in different cities so in a special case TED can allow and permit the license for separate events as well. 

If we talk about the audience or attendees usually the colleges and universities have their students, administration, staff and other faculties but it is all up to you what will be the criteria for the audience. The number of students must be not more than 100. Only guests individually who have attended an official TED conference can organize an event with more than 100 attendees. The duration of the event can be maintained to be as a couple of hours but not more than a day. If we talk about the pricing of the tickets you may charge 6000-7000 per ticket.  

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Why university event is more important than other events

  • School and college students or you can say have the most prominent brain as compared to others 
  • Professors, alumni are used to being great speakers because they have a proper experience and it can brainstorm your mind as well. 
  • Students are great in planning and organizing events
  • Opening a TEDx club in your college would be a great opportunity for the students in brainstorming new ideas, it may also change their way of thinking
  • It also brings a formal structure to your campus which brings funding. 
  • As a matter of fact, the first TEDx event was a university event TEDxUSC in 2009. 

Responsibilities for the university events.

TEDx talks can not be more than 18 minutes longer for the single speaker where no kind of religious, cooperate, or religious agenda can be made. At the beginning of your event, it is mandatory to play a documentary on the difference between TED and TEDx. Ted is not a single driven topic-driven or any kind of agenda it must have several varieties of the topic along with a feature of diversity speakers as well and also there are no questions and answers asked from the speaker by the audience. 

Basically, an event can last long up to 12 months because the time duration of this license is that much only it will automatically expire in 12 months. After having your license you can not transfer it to someone else but if you want to you have to take prior permission from the ted and they will only allow you in a special case. 

If something will happen against the rules of TEDx then they also have the power to revoke your license at a time and if the video fails to submit any of this format then they will not publish the video on their official channel. 

If we talk about the Speaker of the event then it must have a good and unique idea which TED has not heard before. Organizers must go for speakers who have good ideas, not with identity. The speaker must also be seen by a few people in any kind of talk show. The one should be a good storyteller, interactive with the crowd. 

Before applying for the events here are some requirements you need to know before

You need to apply before 3-4 months it takes lots of formalities to be done in the event. While applying for the application you must fill 3 examples about the ideas of what you are going to represent in the event. It helps them to know the basics of your proposal. After applying for the application it may take around 8 weeks to review the application and after the confirmation TED may license you for the 12 months. 


TED is an American online talk show which is committed to “ideas worth spreading”. TED has a lot of mini-style events and one of them is TEDx. TEDx is basically an interdependent event which is conducted by TED. The basic difference between both the platforms is that TEDx is a mini style event of TED which can be conducted anywhere around the globe TEDx also requires the license for the same but TED doesn’t need any kind of license because of the speaker. TEDx is the most unique and motivational event. It is also having a lot of event types like Standard, University, ED, Youth, Internal, Women etc. For organizing it in your campus it is required to apply for the same and it will take 7-8 weeks for accepting or rejecting your application. They also want 3 examples of sample events or ideas which you are gonna to perform that are basically easy for them to evaluate your application. TEDx is not restricted to one area or a single topic; it is more diversified. TEDx only allows per speaker 18 minutes to showcase their ideas. It is up to you how much you charge per ticket for attendees. The first TEDx event was also the university event. The event can go up to several hours but not more than a day and your license is not applicable for 12 months only. 

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 Government organization individuals are working together to address pressing global issues while ensuring the SDG’s are universally applied. The SDGs are action-oriented, calling on all countries to take ownership of implementing solutions. 
