- What are Teenage Problems and Why Do Teenagers Suffer From Them?
If you are a parent or teenager or about to become a teenager, then keep reading this, as this article can prove very useful to you.
The adolescent age is the age which determines the behaviour, mentality and habits of a child for the long term. This is the only age when children observe new things from their own mindset . As before now, they were looking at things the way you were making them look. And while exploring things, most teenagers can’t decide what is good and what is bad for them.
And eventually, they end up falling for the thing which seems good to them but in reality, isn’t that good like Drinking, Drugs, Lying, Increased and misuse of mobile which eventually open them to a world which is not for them, at least now, Aggression, Maintaining distance from parents, Arguing, or even several crimes or sexual acts.
- Some Effective Ways To Handle Teenage Problems:
If you are a teenager you can add these habits in your daily schedule or if you are a parent then you can have your kid follow these habits regularly-
1. MEDITATION: Some of the readers must have seen this coming. The meditation helps in a way a person can’t even imagine. You can start with a simple meditation for 10 – 20 minutes after waking up and getting fresh. You just need a comfortable and silent spot where you can sit with your eyes closed. For beginning try focusing on your breath.
In starting it may seem difficult, you may feel that your brain is trying to arise unnecessary thoughts out of nowhere but after a month you will feel relaxed and more energetic, you will experience less aggression. And you will have a positive outlook towards everything. You just need to do it for a month at least. As nothing good shows results instantly.
2. PHYSICAL TRAINING: Now meditation is for your mental peace, which is very important but physical training also plays an equally important role in beating your problems. You can go to the gym. If you can’t spare time for your gym, then you can do yoga at home or free training at home, or else you can play a sport like Football, Cricket, Volleyball, Basketball, etc. which involves a lot of physical exercises.
It will help you a lot. Your body and mind again will feel relaxed, and your mood would be uplifted, your stamina would be on another level. On top of that, you may end up enjoying that sport if played for a particular time. And thus, while enjoying yourself, you are giving your body an excellent workout.
3. RESTRICT YOURSELF FROM PHONE AND SPEND TIME WITH FAMILY: Well, It’s partly a fault of parents also, they give their children phones without telling them in which manner they should use them. Now children feel more and more addicted to phones and they didn’t even realize that.
There comes a time when they just start giving their family time to their phones. They stop talking to their parents. Even if a teenager is suffering from a problem, like depression, stress, insomnia, he/she will not tell his/her parents for the same reason as they are not comfortable talking to them.
Instead, teenagers should sit with their parents and restrict the usage of phones for some time. They should make a timetable for the usage of the phone. They should sit with their parents and have meals, and build a healthy relationship with them. It will almost ease the pain of their problem by a very huge amount.
4. DIET: It may not seem like a factor in this list but diet is a hidden factor and treatment too for several mental problems like stress, aggression, etc. What happens is that teenagers get busy in their new phase of life and prioritize everything over their diet. They sometimes skip meals, and sometimes when they eat, they were mostly unable to get a balanced meal.
They start eating a lot of junk foods. It doesn’t reflect any bad signs on the spot but has a worse effect for the long term. A balanced diet also does not reflect its signs on the spot but has lots and lots of benefits for every age group.
5. FIND SOMEONE TO TALK TO: This is also a major factor in shaping teenagers’ mentality. Irrespective of whether they talk to their parents or they don’t, although talking with parents is a very beneficial trait as discussed above, a teenager should have someone to talk to. As it may be difficult for everyone to share each and everything with their parents and thus they should find a person to whom they can speak up without hesitation and embarrassment.
The person to whom they would talk can be anybody like a friend, brother, sister, even cousins, or even just an acquaintance. But the most important thing here is that all the teenagers should find the person who not only listens to them but understands their view and guide them on the right path and not support their wrongdoings.
6. DEVELOPING A HOBBY: Ideally, everyone should have a hobby and the teenage age is the best age to find and explore different new things and see what is best suited to them. A hobby can be dancing, singing, reading, playing cricket, football, badminton, even ludo or anything but the condition is, it should make them feel relaxed and should not harm them in any way.
Remember developing a hobby doesn’t mean to adopt any bad hobby like gambling, drug-abusing, alcohol consumption, as it soothes your mindThe game with these kinds of bad hobbies is that they just feel like they are soothing your mind but instead, they are ruining it, you and your life as well.
So the right hobby will help you soothe your mind and become ready for the next challenges.
7. A SOUND SLEEP: Last but not least. Sleeping is nowadays a challenge among teenagers as they are indulged in several things which without their knowledge destroy their sleep and as a result INSOMNIA (problem with sleeping). Lack of sleep not only causes mental problems but physical ones too. You will not be able to carry out work with your fullest potential, you will remain agitated.
On the other hand, good sleep will help you overcome several mental and physical challenges. If you follow the above points, you will probably go for a sound sleep. A lot of teenagers want to build muscles and body, sleep is very essential for that too. Teenage is the age where your body needs proper rest as you are supposed to work like a horse in that phase.
So these were 7 effective ways to handle teenage problems. Only reading this will not help you in any way and neither will be following all these for a day or two. You need to make all of these habits and put them in your daily schedule. It will take a while but will be worth it. And then you will see the magic happen!
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