Ever since the world got exposed to COVID crisis, handling and performing day to day activities have become a difficult task. People might be thinking that the world is coming to an end but in these hard times there are few unsung heroes who are becoming the backbone of our system. Asia, just like the rest of the world, is affected greatly by the pandemic. Countries like China, India, Iran, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Pakistan and Turkey reported the highest number of cases, with the only exception of North Korea and Turkmenistan, who reported none. As the countries are battling the pandemic, the youth of the continent have taken it on them a great responsibility to combat the situation and help the vulnerable wherever they can.
Even though there is stress, confusion, and anxiety amidst the pandemic, young activists and volunteers across the continent are creating ideas and impacting countless lives. Let us meet the 10 Asians who are beautifully handling the crisis in times of chaos. They’re an inspiration to people across the world and to generations to come.
1. Xian Liu
Where: China
Her story as “Raincoat Girl” and how it saved lives
The 24 year old is also known as the ‘raincoat girl’, due to her attire. Volunteering to cook for more than 20,000 meals for medics in Wuhan, which was the worst hit city in China, her story is an inspiration and an example of selfless love. She’s an entrepreneur with a catering business, who rushed to Wuhan from Chengdu city of the Sichuan province, upon hearing the gravity of the situation in Wuhan and how the medics weren’t getting warm meals due to extension of work and closure of diners. Despite the risk of getting infected she continued with her mission, within 40 days she accomplished cooking over 20,000 meals for over 20 hospitals up to 600 meals per day! The story doesn’t end here, she also helped massively by raising funds and resources for local hospitals and donated all the medical supplies herself. The total worth of the supplies went over 3.5 million yuan which included 1 million yuan donated by her team also.
What is she doing now?
Although Xian Liu is now safely back in her hometown, her spirit of volunteerism is still widely active. Upon learning that there was an overstock of agricultural products in Hubei caused by the lock down, she started promoting those products in order to help the farmers of Hubei.
2. Aditya Mukarji
Where: India
A Young Activist
In India, the most vulnerable groups were the migrants and the poor caused by the lock down. Aditya Mukarji, the 16 year old climate activist took upon himself a responsibility to help these people. Mobilizing the society and raising funds for the weaker sections of the society, Aditya’s story reminds us that small acts of kindness matter and it does lead to huge rewards. The youngster was able to raise one month of ration for 72 families. Sensitizing the citizens of the country and raising funds is a huge task which was performed very effectively by the 16 year old. In the past as well, Aditya has inspired the youngsters of India by getting rid of plastic straws in his city. His story inspired many others of the country to raise funds and donate essentials to the migrant workers, many NGOs also supported the motives of Mukarji on a larger scale.
3. Lee Dong Hun
Where: South Korea
CoronaMap: A Technology that saved lives
The 27 year old is the developer of Corona Map and Maskmap apps. These two apps are different in functions; Coronamap is able to track people who have tested positive for the virus, whereas Maskmap supplies information on the availability of masks and where to find them for best prices. The apps show updated information as daily statistics and over 42 million Koreans are using the app. The Corona Map app was the first app to provide details on confirmed cases.
Who is the person behind the tech?
Dong-Hun is an industrial engineer major at Seoul and is also the leading CEO of the company Modoc in Korea. Countries like Japan, Kenya, UK and France continually seek him to know about the app.
4. Ramesh Kumar Poder
Where: Nepal
Women’s Rights’ Advocate amidst the Pandemic
Ramesh is a 22 year old who saw the need to spread awareness about women’s rights in the society. He soon realized that his village needs to be sensitized about hygiene and domestic violence. When the cases in the country were rising, he observed the cases of domestic violence were rising too. Domestic violence usually goes unnoticed and is ignored by others but it’s one of the most serious problems existing in the society. Apart from spreading awareness, he also successfully raised funds for the vulnerable and poor in the villages. Ramesh collaborated with two organisations: Plan Nepal and Women’s Rehabilitation Center where he advocates women’s rights. Every person is born with rights and has dignity and respect, he encourages women to seek justice and help. During the pandemic the cases of domestic violence have reportedly increased. So, the need for sensitization of hygiene, women’s rights and domestic violence is really needed.
5. Dana Shubat
Where: Syria
How did she rise to inspire so many?
Syria, a place struck with peace and conflict issues, can find it hard to cope with an ordinary lifestyle especially with the lack of resources. Constant state of war can make a grave impact on mental as well as physical health, but the pandemic seems to have worsened the conditions of Syria. Dana Shubat, a youth, rose from the ashes like a phoenix with immense hope and courage. She coordinated with civil society members and volunteered to raise awareness about the COVID crisis and what can be done about it. Through the means of social media, she provided information regarding the pandemic and posted over 100 pages per day. Dana participated in a 10 day distribution campaign of essentials, while demonstrating the correct way of washing or sanitizing hands in this crisis.
Does her story end?
She’s also translating the COVID guidelines from English to Arabic and is now a member of Young Sustainable Impact (YSI) Program 19. The list doesn’t end here, she is also providing support to special need students via social media and is a volunteer at Special Olympics! As she is a medical student, she’s utilizing her knowledge by collaborating with engineers designing 3D medical supplies. Dana takes on the role of a hero and is an inspiration to many youngsters. Her story is one of courage and awe.
6. Minh Nguyen
Where: Vietnam
Small acts of kindness, creates big impacts
Minh is a youth project designer in the Asian Development Bank’s Youth for development team. While working from home, she realized that she can support many not for profit organizations in this time of crisis. She provided financial grants to kindergarten teachers who were unemployed once the lock down process began. She received over 1,500 applications and conducted all interviews. During the process she realized the importance of education and how teachers are an important part of the society. Schools as social institutions, nurture us and build our whole lives. She spread awareness about the value of education and the teachers in society. Her story makes one realize how often we make the mistake of being ignorant towards our teachers, gurus, and education.
7. Baraah Bataineh
Where: Jordan
Who is she and is counseling needed?
One of the co-founders of Liwan Youth Space which is supported by Action Aid took online courses on COVID-19 via WHO and utilised the knowledge for the benefit of the youth in the time of crisis. Baraah, engaged the youth of her country on online sessions and carried out activities which can be done through a safe space. She also conducted counseling sessions, as it’s immensely needed in these times. She takes three public sessions in a week online, focusing on the impact and implications of the pandemic on the youth and their mindsets. Baraah realizes that mental health is not just mere words and society needs to learn how to cope with stress and have someone to talk to. She’s battling the stigma regarding mental health and leading the frontiers of women empowerment.
What does her organization do?
Her organization is also covering expenses for those who do not have the means to attend online sessions, by providing them with alternatives for meetings in safe space. The organization is also actively fighting fake news related to COVID. Baraah’s story goes beyond, it’s a story of empowerment and courage. Her heroism inspires the youth to stay healthy and build on empathy for those impacted and going through similar events.
8. Chelvin Ramsamy
Where: Mauritius
An act of heroism, creating impact in the lives of thousands
An alumni of former President of the United States, Barack Obama’s Young African Leaders’ Initiative, formed SAREPTA along with other members. SAREPTA is an initiative which aims to provide essentials like food packs, to the vulnerable families in Mauritius. Chelvin realized that about 35,000 families live in poverty and in this time of crisis they needed someone to look after their daily needs. Chelvin and his team took phone calls, coordinated with stakeholders and beneficiaries, and prepared the packages including medical supplies. Apart from that, he raised funds for this mission, people from all over the country contributed to it. Although his goal was to provide for 8,000 families, SAREPTA has surpassed that goal. Chelvin is continuing to deliver the packages to the needy and is a hero to them and many others. Providing relief to those who cannot provide for themselves is an act of selflessness and heroism and Chelvin’s story is one of a kind.
9. Owren Kwan
Where: Indonesia
Education and long term goals is the key
Amidst the lock down, this 25 year old observed that many of the people in the country didn’t understand basic financial management skills nor were aware about the basic concepts. He noticed that many people in the country didn’t have any emergency funds or personal savings. In the time of pandemic, when the lock down crisis began Owren felt it was his duty to reach out to people and educate them on the matter. Through online sessions with the over 500 youths, he started educating and promoting the concepts of emergency funds and basic financial management. His effort makes the youth equipped with appropriate skills for long term goals and survival. No one saw the crisis that was to come, the exposure to the crisis made Owren see how vulnerable the youth can be, and equipping them with financial skills not only helps in their survival but builds on to the economy for the future. Knowledge is a gift and sharing this valuable gift with others is an act of compassion, which the world greatly needs.
10. Maurice
Where: Philippines
Mental health and women’s rights activist
The 17 year old is an advocate from Plan International Philippines and is working for the rights of women. She is a youth peer educator, providing hope, and courage, and spreading positivity through her own experiences. Maurice, was concerned with the alarming rate of violence based on gender in her country once the lock down orders were implemented. She started sensitizing the community about abuse and violence, also providing counseling. She collaborated with various organizations to direct the victims towards help. Maurice also spreads awareness about the various issues faced by youth, especially young girls and women in this time of crisis. She knows the importance of mental health and is conducting various online sessions to have a discussion with young girls and peers on their well-being and safety. Maurice, at a young age is a light of positivity and a bright future lies ahead of her, her impact on those lives will continue to nurture the generation to come.
These stories, although might seem simple on page, but are true accounts of heroism. The youth is the future of the world, and growth begins from them. As Mahatma Gandhi used to say, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”