The National Service Scheme (NSS) was introduced in 1969 by Dr. V.K.R.V. Rao who was an education minister of India at that particular time. The primary objective of the National Service Scheme (NSS) is to develop the personality of the young students by helping or volunteering in community service while they are studying in +2 level or in colleges. This program acts under the protection of the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports.
Since the times of Mahatma Gandhi, the students have been involved in national tasks. According to him, young students should always keep their social responsibility before them. He also suggested that instead of undertaking academic research about economic and social disability, the students should do “something positive so that the life of villagers might be raised to a higher material and moral level”.
The cardinal principle of the National Service Scheme is that it is organized by the students where both students and teachers combine to take part in social services, and get the chance of involvement in the national development tasks. Besides these students obtain work experience which might be helpful for them to find avenues of employment in any organization at the end of the graduation.
Motto of NSS:
The motto of NSS is “NOT ME, BUT YOU” they place the community before the self. The philosophy of the NSS is the good doctrine in this motto, which underlines the belief that the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of the society as a whole, and therefore, the NSS volunteers shall strive for the well-being of the society.
Objectives and Aims of the National Service Scheme:
- To identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in the problem-solving process;
- To understand themselves in relation to their community;
- To understand the community in which they work;
- To develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities:
- To develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility;
- To utilize their knowledge in finding a practical solution to individual and community problems;
- To acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude;
- To gain skills in mobilizing community participation;
- To develop the capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters; and
- To practice national integration and social harmony
Activities of the National Service Scheme:
In the National Service Scheme program students must put their 2 years of service which is rendered by University and +2 level which covers several aspects. They work on the programs like the adoption of the village & Urban slums for their development work, carrying out the medical surveys.
The NSS students also work for organizing useful campaigns like setting up medical centers, a program of mass immunization, social harmony, blood donation camps, helping patients in hospitals, helping inmates and orphanages and physically handicapped people, etc. From time to time all over the country NSS volunteers rendered their services during emergencies like cyclones, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.
Administrative structure of the National Service Scheme:
At College / School level:
The NSS units present in schools or in college is the basic unit of volunteers. The institution will be allotted to the NSS unit according to the strength of students. Usually, the basic strength of the NSS is around 100 students. The organization of the NSS unit and implementation of the program will be performed under the person who is in charge of the NSS Unit will be considered as Program Officer and he/she will be responsible for every activity.
At University Level:
In every University there is an NSS cell and the NSS program is supervised by University. The strength of more than 10000 volunteers in the University has full-time Programme Officers. The strength of less than 10000 volunteers in the University has half time programme officers.
At State Level:
At the State Level, a State NSS Cell established by the State Liaison Officers (SLO). The Government of India provides financial support for the establishment of State NSS Cells.
At Regional Level:
To maintain an effective execution of the NSS programme, NSS Regional Centres have been established, many Regional centers have been set up under Universities, College Councils, and State Government. Depending on the size and strength of the volunteers in the State, the subordinate field Office is established. The Deputy Programme Advisor or Assistant Programme Advisor will be assisted as the head of the Regional Centre.
Importance of the National Service Scheme:
The National Service Scheme performs many important tasks and brings good results for society. By joining the NSS young people help in the development of the country. These young populations are from colleges and schools, and these young volunteers have lots of passion to do something for their country. This helps in the overall development of the individual. They develop skills like raising funds, public speaking, educating others, etc. even when they fail, they get a chance to learn from their failure. They make people know the importance of their lives and tell them how to improve their living conditions.
Lessons by National Service Scheme:
The National Service Scheme (NSS) is beneficial to both students as well as society. NSS helps the student to grow individually and also as a group, it makes the students confident, and develops leadership skills. The National Service Scheme program has aroused among the student youth and the awareness of the realities of life, a better understanding and appreciating the problems of the people. NSS programs bring the idea of working in the team, handling the situations, developing the individual personality, and helping the weaker section of the society.