Change and evolution are a part of life. Technology evolves everyday to become better, faster and more convenient. Similarly, there has been a tremendous progress in computerized film from cassette tapes to Netflix.
The tape recorders came with a magnetic tape utilized for recording sound. It was preferred for use at home during the 1960s, and videotapes were presented in 1970s. During the 1960s and 1970s, sound and video tapes were the main sources of amusement or tools of recording information. After tapes, came the reduced plate in 1982. It was created to play chronicles. It was also additionally used to store information. There are numerous configurations of CDs like video smaller plate (VCD), super video minimal circle (SVCD), and so on and so forth. By and large, CDs turned out to be a significant advancement for the music business.

Netflix: A Game Changer?
Before Netflix, viewers went out to watch motion pictures, or devoted an entire day to watch their favorite scenes on TV. Netflix might have been the greatest misfortune for the media business, since nobody is willing to sit for an entire day wait for a specific show these days. Netflix has dramatically changed the show business.
At present, Netflix is the most popular and ground-breaking OTT stage, which boasts of a 160 million endorsers around the world. Netflix is one of the greatest rivals of the broadcast business. Established in 1997, it opened up to the world in 2002. The best thing about Netflix is that it has a wide variety of content available for viewers and is accessible, with 24 hours online assistance. The video quality is great as well. The one thing that grabs everyone’s eye is that Netflix has all kinds of content, including motion pictures, TV series, documentaries, both Bollywood and Hollywood movies. You will also find every genre on the list, from romance to crime dramas, period pieces, thrillers, and even animated films.
Netflix gives a tough competition to its rivals like Amazon Prime, Disney Hotstar, Voot, and others. Netflix has been developing shows in multiple languages, shot at exotic locations with a liberal budget at hand. It makes sure there are always multiple seasons to a show, to keep its viewers stuck to their screens. We have the new phenomena of ‘binge-watching’ thanks to Netflix. It is one of the most imaginative platforms on the digital planet.

Millennial Culture And Netflix
The expression “Netflix and chill” has become a part of millennial culture. Reclining on our couches, with food on our plates, watching our favorite shows from dusk ’til dawn has replaced the culture of going to the movies on weekends. The young find these shows very relatable, with their diverse cast and characters. One also gets to learn new things.
Netflix is constantly expanding its market share with new releases every week. It has become the go to platform for people who want some light entertainment while sitting on a couch.
Netflix reported a significant rise in consumers due to the current circumstances in the wake of COVID-19. Being stuck within our houses, due to the complete lockdown, individuals had more time for leisure. TV shows and films were forced to stop shooting due to the pandemic. People looking for home entertainment were left with a single choice: Netflix. The pandemic greatly helped Netflix’s business.
Almost 15 million supporters signed up during this time frame. OTT stages were the main wellspring of indoors amusement. Individuals are sitting in their homes and marathon-watching their favorite movies and TV shows, to unwind and relax. Netflix has brought out an overwhelming number of shows and films so that one never runs out of content to watch. All the upcoming films will be made available on the streaming services, as film lobbies have been shut since many months. This will be a huge boost for its subscribers during the lockdown.

Final Takeaway
Without change, life is dull and exhausting. Change is the only constant, whether its in the case of people or film technology. We have to adapt to new inventions in technology, which adds ease and convenience to our lives. Streaming services like Netflix have revolutionized our lives, bringing cinema to our couch. At the same time, it has also influenced its consumers and their tastes, dictating how we spend our leisure time and what culture means to us in this millennial age.